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How To Hide Audio Songs From MX Video Player

If you find on the internet how to hide audio songs from MX Video Player, then this post is only for you. If you do not have a this player on your phone, download video player from play store.

How To Hide Audio Songs In MX Player

We do a lot of things at leisure. Some people loves to use Facebook on leisure time. Likes to watch videos on YouTube. Or likes to listen to music. Or whoever wants to do anything, he does exactly that.

Suppose, you love watching videos very much. Tune your mind to music, movies, and tutorials. So you must enter the video player to watch the video song. But after entering, the video player also showing audio songs. Then the mood will be a bit worse.

So that the second time your mood is not bad, so today I will show you how to hide audio songs from video player. The job is very simple. Let's start...

1. In the picture, I have marked four folders with red color. The reason is that these folders have audio songs. We will hide these folders from MX Video Player.
Click on the three dot options of your player. Which has been shown with the arrow in the picture.

How To Hide Audio Songs From MX Video Player

2. A new tiles are doing the show. From here click on the Settings option and enter inside.

Hide Audio Songs From MX Player

3. The Audio option that you are seeing now. Click on that option.

How To Hide Audio Songs From Video Player

4. You are seeing, there is a check mark in the Audio Player. Remove this mark or unchecked it.

Hide Audio Songs From MX Player

Congratulations! All types of audio songs have been hidden from your MX Player.

Hide Audio Songs From MX Video Player

If you want to play audio songs again in your video player, then check the Audio Player option again. Today it is. Feel free to comment here.

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